They lost our package!

March & April 2018 are going down as the most stressful months that we have ever had at My African Gold. I have pulled out a lot of hair and gained several pounds in the process - I realized during this 2 months that I’m a stress eater and chicken is my comfort food, specifically, Walmart’s rotisserie chicken! I’m sure that it’s not good for me but that’s how chicken should taste or maybe it’s that good because of how stressed I have been…

Our summer inventory was shipped from Kenya on March 21st but it got lost somewhere between Germany and the U.S.A. We have been going back and forth with USPS & PCK (Postal Corporation of Kenya)  the last couple of weeks and all we got was “Be patient it’s on the way” until April 27th when they emailed us and told us to file a claim with PCK. I’m frustrated and relieved at the same time - frustrated because we will be disappointing people who have been waiting for the sandals that we have been saying will be available in May. Relieved because we can now bounce back. I have been on the phone the whole morning placing orders for new inventory in between tears of frustration so we will still have a summer collection albeit later than we hoped but we still got you covered this summer. We’ve been using PCK  because they help us keep our prices low but we are switching to DHL until PCK gets their stuff together. DHL is more expensive but we are also guaranteed delivery within days and that guarantee sounds too good right now. I really hope and pray that March & April were great for you.

One good thing that happened in the last two months was that  someone posted a link for KIVA in one of the many Facebook Groups that we follow and it caught our attention! We spent a lot of time going through their website and talking to people who have used it for years and everything checked out! The three things that we like most about KIVA are:

  • Anyone can apply for a loan through them but only the projects that are approved by KIVA employees get posted on the website. This helps reduce the time that we use vetting whether a project is really a worthy cause or not.
  • Most of the projects are for people who are trying to empower themselves so we will be teaching them to fish and not giving them a single meal.
  • It provides an easy platform for us to find the projects that we want to support all in one place.

    We decided to try it out with 10% of March and April profits by lending to:

    • Joelson who needed $125 to buy carrot seeds, chemical fertilizer, manure and phytosanitary products. His long term goal is to farm a bigger piece of land and increase his yields which would lead to financial independence.
    • Esther a single mother of 2 children who needed $100 to buy seeds and fertilizer to increase her yields so that she can provide for her children.

    We are hoping that KIVA will work out for us but we will keep you posted.

    A huge thank you to all our new and existing customers! We would not be able to do this without you.

    Do you know a worthy cause that could use our help ? Email as at or send us a message through Facebook or Instagram

    Here is to a great, healthy, stress free and prosperous Mayl

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